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Youtube in itself is a complex app. I have tried to understand and build the video processing model of youtube my means of backend communication. I am using Google cloud as cloud provider and firebase function for required actions. I am also using pub/sub feature of GCP to achieve the requirement
Tech Stack
- Next.js - The React Framework for frontend
- Node.js and Express for backend
- Docker for backend Containerization
- Firebase functions for backend actions
- Firebase Authentication to authenticate the users
System Design
Video Processing Service
# youtube-clone/video-processing-service
npm init -y
npx tsc --init
npm i express @types/express
npm i -g ts-node
npm i fluent-ffmpeg @types/fluent-ffmpeg
npm i @google-cloud/storage
npm i firebase-admin
- Also install ffmpeg system
# For mac using brew
brew install ffmpeg
Deploy to Firebase
Sign in to
and create a new project, analytics diabled, can be enabled for better experience
Project ID: yt-devclone-d5b1f
Setup Cloud
Enable Artifact Registry API on cloud to store docker image
Login cloud CLO locally
# Login to account
gcloud auth login
- Set the project
# Set project id
gcloud config set project yt-devclone-d5b1f
- Update the components
gcloud components update
Create repository on Artifact
Repository created
Create 2 buckets (should be unique all over GCP)
- ytclone01-raw-videos-bucket
- ytclone01-processed-videos-bucket
- Config for Raw Bucket
- Config for Processed Bucket
Video-processing-service Code
video-processing-service code is available here
Create docker image and push to artifact
# Stage 1 FROM node:20 AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install -g typescript RUN npm install COPY . . RUN npm run build #Stage 2 FROM node:20 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ffmpeg WORKDIR /app COPY package*.json ./ # Install only production dependencies RUN npm install --only=production COPY --from=builder /app/dist ./dist # Expose the port EXPOSE 3000 CMD [ "npm", "run", "serve" ]
Docker image build and push to the docker repository, change location and respective fields as per your configuration.
sudo docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t .
- Authorize docker to push images to gcloud
gcloud auth configure-docker
- Push the docker image to Artifact
docker push
Image pushed successfully
Cloud Run and Pub/Sub Config
Create Cloud Run service to run the docker file
- Select the image from Artifact
- Set Authentication to “Allow unauthenticated invocation”
- Set CPU allocation and pricing to “CPU is only allocated during request processing”
- Revision autoscaling can be set as per requirement, I will go with min 0, max 1
- Set Ingress Control to “Internal” and create the function.
Copy the URL of the Cloud Run
Create a Pub/Sub
- Create a TopicCreate Subscription
- Create Subscription, add the url of cloud run in endpoint url along with
- Create a subscription ID
- Set Delivery Type to “Push”
- Add the Endpoint URL suffix with
- Message retention duration “7 Days” by default values
- Expiration period set to “Never expire”
- Set Acknowledgement deadline to “600”
- Leave rest to default and create the subscription
Add a notification
gsutil notification create -t video-processing-topic -f json OBJECT_FINALIZE gs://ytclone-raw-videos-bucket
- Frontend is Nextjs App that uses Reactjs, Tailwindcss for rendering of the transcoded videos and user authentication. Get the code here
Generate Firebase SDK for the web-app
- In firebase, click on webapp and continue to generate the SDK for your frontend app.
- Add these to the frontend code base
Add Authentication in Firebase
Create Firestore Database
- Create a firestore database in production mode for user data storage.
Firebase API Service
Install firebase-tools globally
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
Login to firebase
# youtube-clone/yt-api-service
firebase login
Init the firebase api service
firebase init functions
-- select the existing project
-- select Typescript
-- select EsLint yes
Install functions and admin
npm i firebase-functions@latest firebase-admin@latest
Get the yt-api-service here
Deploy the functions
npm run deploy
# To separately deploy the functions
firebase deploy --only functions:GenerateUploadUrl
After deployment, it should reflect as this on cloud
Copy the service url of GenerateUploadUrl
function to access the raw bucket, copy it from here
Go to raw bucket → Permissions
Add the service url and add role Storage Object Admin
Got IAM & Admin
Grab the same service url and add one more role, Service Account Token Creator
Add cors policy
"origin": ["*"],
"responseHeader": ["Content-Type"],
"method": ["PUT"],
"maxAgeSeconds": 3600
Implement this cors policy
gcloud storage buckets update gs://ytclone-raw-videos-bucket --cors-file=utils/gcs-cors.json
Enable IAM Service Account Credentials API
Add .env.local
file with following attributes in frontend app
You are good to go, deploy the frontend on platform like vercel, or you can create a docker image for same and deploy through Artifact on GCP.